Computer Forensics Lab
Digital Forensics & Investigations
Digital Forensics relates to the identification, preservation, analysis and documentation of electronic data for judicial purposes in such a manner that the integrity, accuracy and reliability is maintained.
Computer Forensics
We conduct cyber forensic investigations according to internationally accepted standards and by making use of state-of-the-art hardware and software. This ensures the successful presentation of evidence and expert testimony during any judicial hearing as well as ensures that moral, ethical and constitutional principles are followed. We believe in thoroughness and provide the following services as part of our investigation:
- Advice to clients regarding legal requirements of search and seizure.
- Advice to clients regarding legal requirements from Anton Pillar applications.
- Assistance in planning of investigations.
- Complete search of scene and collection of all electronic storage media.
- Creation of a bit-by-bit backup copy of computers.
- Creation of a second backup set to minimize risk during the investigation.
- Analysis and location of all data/evidence.
- Data recovery of all lost or deleted data.
- Decryption of data and cracking of passwords.
- Location and analysis of e-mails.
- Analysis of Internet activities.
- Location of evidence relating to any other offence.
- Physical and/or electronic report to client.
- Appear as an expert witness during the trial.
Mobile Forensics
Mobile devices have become the device of this century, and most probably that of the next as well. It has become such a part of our lives that if you forget your phone at home, you will feel naked, will turn back to fetch it or face a whole day of communication depravation. Chances are good that we are now commenting more on getting away on a holiday to get away from our cell phones than getting away from work.
Not only have mobile devices become a part of our personal lives, but also an integral part of our business life. Mobile phones are used to read e-mail, store data, do presentation, backup files, update social media etc. As such it has become a device that cannot be ignored by businesses. Mobile phones have become one of the preferred devices by fraudsters, syndicates and criminals to communicate, steal data, give instruction etc.
We are seeing that syndicates are now targeting mobile phones to steal personal data instead of computers. It is therefore imperative to include mobile forensics in all forensic investigations. Cyanre is a leading expert in mobile forensics with the unmatched ability to uncover and recover data from all types of mobile devices.
Forensic Investigations
Forensic accounting and auditing combines various skills during an investigation in order to prosecute the perpetrator successfully. These skills include auditing-, accounting-, legal- and investigations skills. During an investigation these skills are combined with knowledge and experience of the various fields. The forensic auditor will peruse relevant financial data of an entity (e.g. bank statements, ledgers) to identify the audit trail used by the suspect. Audit and investigation experience will be used to identify the audit traces left behind by fraudsters. Audit and legal experience will be used to extract the relevant information, including supporting documentation proving each fact. The forensic auditor will then write a factual report on the findings and compile the evidence files in such a manner that it is presentable to any court of law. Finally, if required, the forensic auditor will also present all findings in a court of law or at disciplinary hearings as an expert witness. Our team consists of experts in their various fields. Cyanre prides itself in assigning the best qualified and experienced individuals to cases, in line with the needs of the client. Our services include the following:
- Internal control assessments which will identify problem areas within internal controls and would include ways in which management can improve these internal controls, therefore preventing future fraud.
- Cash flow analysis.
- Compilation of reports and affidavits.
- Opening the case docket at the SAPS.
Forensic Training
Cyanre consult their clients in the implementation or management of their business environment to ensure a more secure environment. This includes consultancy regarding physical security, computer security and cash flow management. We analyse the clients policies and procedures, identify possible weaknesses, physical testing of the environment and recommend and implement remedial steps. As part of our preventative services we we provide clients with training and skills transfer programmes in the areas of:
- Practical knowledge of specific offenses i.e. fraud and corruption.
- Fraud prevention and fraud risk management.
- Regulatory frameworks (including duties to report and pro-active prevention).
- Specific investigative tools.
- Criminal law and the application of the Criminal Procedure Act.
- The law of evidence, recovery of the proceeds of crime.
- First responder training.
- Report writing skills for a computer forensic expert.
- Court preparation for a computer forensic expert.